(actual excerpt from article)
Aim for that much of today’s food intake to be fresh, real and unprocessed. Avoid any canned, frozen, precooked, packaged or prepared fare. Instead try eggs for breakfast, a grilled-chicken salad for lunch and brown rice, fish and veggies for dinner.
My first day!
Well here we go with day one, and I realize that it isn't over yet, but I can add more to the blog later since I can do what I want with it!
So this morning I woke up bright and early for work. An hour earlier than usual because a repairman was supposed to come fix the doors at 8:30am. Well he didn't show up until much later, making going to work early useless, but no matter.
When I woke up however, I felt extremely sick! If it was not for the fact that my stomach was empty, I know I would have been physically sick. I went to work anyway (that's what I do) and waited for an hour for the man who came 3 hours late.
Seriously... I am trying to be positive, and the bright side of all this. I was bored for an hour, but it didn't go by as slowly as I thought it would and I got to go home an hour earlier!
As for the feeling sick, that didn't REALLY go away.
So while I waited I brewed myself some tea, because today I only drank (and will drink) water, and tea!
So Breakfast was:
Big cup of hot tea (with a tiny bit of sugar, sorry but I am allowed 20% processed food),
One Cereal Bar (again sorry, but it was so small and insignificant, and I really didn't have time! I'm sorry!)
Around 1pm my assistant came in (thank god, we were busy) and I was hungry, felt sick but I knew some food would do me good.
My Lunch was:
A bottle of Water,
Chicken Ceasar Salad (I know... the dressing isn't exactly not processed but it really is hard to avoid it completely... I guess that's why they said 80%)
I didn't snack on anything throughout the afternoon. So when my brother finally picked me up at around 5pm and told me he was hungry but had also been feeling under the weather, we decided we would attempt to eat out. That may not make sense to you guys, but when you aren't feeling well you don't want to cook either. Call it lazy or cheating, I don't care, I wanted to be able to do this challenge and I can't cook today.
So my big brother and I went to Artisano. Seriously who doesn't love that place! Lucky for me, they even bake their own breads, so no processed foods.
For Dinner I had:
Water again,
A pulled pork sandwich (since I have been feeling sick I should have gone for soup, but my salad was small and I was also starving)
One green apple (I really wanted that bag of home style potato chips but I was a good girl!)
So that was my day and my food. I don't know if anyone will think I accomplished much, but when you actually have to think about what is processed and not, even eating cheese is difficult!
Later if I get hungry, I will have a banana. Or tea. Whatever I have, as long as it isn't processed, will be fine!
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